Gum care

Improve the care of your teeth together
We don't let up even when the tooth can't take it anymore - tooth loosening, bone loss and gum recession are frequent side effects of periodontitis. We help you!
Together with caries, diseases of the periodontium (periodontal apparatus) constitute the majority of diseases in dentistry. Both diseases are caused by bacteria, which are deposited due to lack of dental care.
Bacteria can form a kind of fortress (biofilm) over a longer period of time, which negatively affects dental health. The metabolic products produced there and released to the surrounding periodontium cause bad breath, Gum bleeding, Pain and Bone loss.
At Smilezone, we maintain open and honest communication to ensure the well-being of our patients.
Our team consists of experienced, passionate and sympathetic male and female dentists with extensive knowledge.
Your well-being is close to our hearts. That is why we attach great importance to personal exchange and are happy to answer all your questions.
Every patient is different. With us, YOU are the center of every treatment.
Gum Care FAQ
The aim is to reduce the number of bacteria. This is achieved by removing plaque and tartar. This must be done regularly so that the situation does not fall behind.
- An accurate measurement of the periodontium must be made. The periodontal status obtained serves as the basis for periodontitis therapy. It may be necessary to determine the germs by means of a DNA probe test.
- Thorough tooth cleaning must be performed so that the gingivitis subsides. This is necessary for effective deep cleaning.
- Subgingival curettage (scraping) involves the removal of the bacteria lying in the depth. Subgingival calculus(concrements) and plaque are removed by mechanical cleaning. In case of very stubborn bacteria, adjuvant antibiotics must be administered.
As long as the teeth are not well positioned in the bone, all restoration plans or tooth preservation attempts are useless. Beautiful crowns or fillings no longer have any meaning if the tooth itself can no longer be preserved.
Systemic diseases benefit indirectly from periodontitis therapy!
It has been proven that systemic diseases such as. Cardiovascular diseases and Diabetes have a connection. But also from Premature births has been reported and is under further investigation.
Depending on the degree of severity and cooperation of the patient, intensive follow-up, cleaning and control are required.
It is not uncommon for dental cleanings to be sufficient for permanent stability of the periodontium.
A precise assessment by our experts is only possible after an initial inspection.
Emergence gum problems
1. bleeding gums, harbinger of periodontitis
If the biofilm (plaque, tartar) is not removed, inflammation of the gingiva (gums) occurs. Bleeding, swelling and pain are the result.
2. recession of the gums
Without adequate care, plaque and tartar can expand. The bone reacts to this with inflammation. There is a smooth transition from gingivitis to periodontitis. The bone recedes and so do the gums. The first spaces between the teeth become visible.
3. chronic severe periodontitis
If the inflammation of the periodontium (periodontitis) progresses, tooth loosening and even tooth loss may occur.
Tips for home
You have acute complaints such as bleeding gums and/or pain in the gums and can not go to the dentist? Then you can resort to the following remedies:
- Mouth rinse (chlorhexidine, Listerine)
- Oral irrigator
- Rinse with chamomile tea, oil pulling (both without scientific evidence).
Important! These measures provide only temporary relief of symptoms. It is not therapy!
If you care about your teeth, now is the time to get a Investigation agree. Prevention is always better than cure!
Your contact

dipl. med. dent. Fernanda Toth
- Aesthetic dentistry
- Invisalign
- General dentistry
- Conservative dentistry
- Dental hygiene
- Teeth whitening
- Oral health advice